The Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP) is a worldwide community of civil society campaigns, organizations, committed citizens, and government officials supporting the development of ministries and other infrastructures for peace (I4P).
GAMIP believes in strengthening the UN mission to establish international peace and security. GAMIP works with countries with established ministries and other infrastructures for peace to share best practices and support countries striving to develop a culture of peace.
How to Contribute as a Canadian:
- Send your contribution through your own financial institution via INTERAC E-transfer to cpsc@civilianpeaceservice.org. In the comment section, specify that the contribution is earmarked for the GAMIP Summit;
- OR Send a cheque made out to Civilian Peace Service Canada by mail to: Civilian Peace Service Canada (CPSC), c/o Evelyn Voigt, 2106 – 1025 Richmond Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2B 8G8; OR
- OR Contribute via CanadaHelps. Go on-line to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/, “find” Civilian Peace Service Canada, click on the organization and follow the prompts. This route allows you to use debit and credit cards, as well as PayPal. (CanadaHelps will send you a tax receipt.) Again, In the comment section, please specify that the contribution is earmarked for the GAMIP Summit.
NOTE: IF YOU USE INTERAC OR SEND A CHEQUE AND WISH TO RECEIVE A TAX RECEIPT, PLEASE: send your E-mail Address, Full Name, Mailing Address, and Telephone Number(s) to Evelyn Voigt:
- a) By e-mail at evelyn_voigt@yahoo.ca, or
- b) By regular mail at Evelyn Voigt, 2106 – 1025 Richmond Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2B 8G8
(Receipts will be provided for donations of Cdn $20.00 and above. CPSC is authorized to provide tax receipts only to Canadian taxpayers.)