A few words

About Us


Our story starts way back....

The global alliance for ministry and infrastructure for peace is a worldwide community of civil society campaigns, organizations, committed citizens, elected and appointed government officials from over 80 countries (so far).


A world where all people, individually and collectively, embody, promote, and practice a culture of peace


To collaborate with and support government and civil societies around the world working to establish national ministries and departments of peace, and also to support effort to develop local, regional and national peace councils, peace academies and other effective infrastructure for peace.

In carrying out this mission, the global alliance enables and facilitate the capacity of its network to share and provide one another with resources, information, encouragement, and support for existing and new national campaigns for ministries and departments of peace as well as efforts to establish peace academies and other peace infrastructure element in government and civil society.it also seeks through the combined activities of the global alliance and its broader networks, to increase global understanding amongst civil societies and governments around the world of the need for ministry and departments of peace and civil society counterparts at all levels.

Four countries already have such ministry:

  • The Ministry for peace and reconciliation in Nepal
  • The Ministry of national unity, reconciliation and peace in Solomon island
  • The Ministry of justice and peace in Costa Rica
  • The Ministry of peace in Ethiopia

Other countries such as Kenya and Ghana, have other forms of peace infrastructure at all levels, from local to the national, and many countries have academies of peace and other similar organization involved in educating for a culture of peace, including, Canada, Costa Rica, Nepal, Romania, Switzerland, the United States of America and others.


A principle activity of the global alliance is its supports for the biennial global summit for ministry and infrastructure for peace. The principle aim of the global summit are to build relationships, share experiences, learn from one another , have training that expands bank of knowledge and skills of the community and raise awareness of the movement in the eyes of government and civil society.

The First global summit was attended by delegate from a dozen countries, was held in October 2005 in the United Kingdom, where the decision to form the global alliance was made. The 2nd summit was held in June 2006 in Canada, the 3rd summit was held in Japan in September 2007, and over 100 people from 22 countries attended the 4th summit in Costa Rica in September 2009.the 5th global summit was held in Cape town, South Africa in October 2011, and the 6th global summit In Geneva, Switzerland in September 2013.The 7th global summit is scheduled for October 3-7, 2022 in Colombia. However, Regional Peace summit have been held in Ghana(2008),Nigeria(2010) and Rwanda in 2014.

Among the key outcomes of past summits are an associated global youth movement, the African alliance for ministries and infrastructure for peace, and the successful establishment of ministry of justice and peace in Costa Rica and the ministry of peace and reconstruction in Nepal.

We shall accomplish the Peace Agreements. We shall follow up recommendations of the Truth commission...........
Gustavo Petro
President of Colombia


As we continue our journey to govern ourselves in a culture of peace, we acknowledge that in order to fulfill our vision and mission, we must live and practice a culture of peace. Therefore, we recognize that it is essential that our work be grounded in and reflect such healthy relationship, as goodwill, non-violence,co-operation,harmlessness,clarity,simolicity,interconnectedness,inclusivity,understanding, honest, communication, living culture of peace, shared responsibility and shared leadership.


If you would like to work for an organisation making a real impact on peace development.